Friday, February 1, 2013

100 Powerful Marketing Tips

100 Powerful Marketing Tips

Here are our top 100 marketing tips for small or medium businesses: simple ideas to easily increase sales and visibility. The truth is that marketing is all about satisfying your customer needs. Use these powerful marketing tips to help understand customer needs, find ways to satisfy those needs, and better communicate your solution.

Remember, marketing should be ongoing. Commit to never letting a day go by without engaging in at least one marketing activity, no matter how small. Keep these marketing tips on hand, or check out our other small business marketing ideas, or these creative marketing ideas, and pull one out each time you need a little extra boost in your sales or visibility.

1. Maintain a tickler file of marketing tips and ideas for later use. When you have some time, or are running short of a quick marketing activity, then pick one of the marketing tips out of the file.
2. Submit a timely and newsworthy press release.
3. Try to start each day with two cold calls.
4. Create a tagline for your business, and include it on your website, letterhead, literature, email signature and invoices.
5. Publish your own blog on your industry or your specialty, following these blog marketing tips. Make sure you update it regularly (twice a week is preferable).
6. Publish a regular newsletter for customers and prospects. You can either send it as a hardcopy piece using direct mail, or start a more economical email marketing mailing.
7. Always carry business cards with you, whether you are on business or personal time. Find opportunities to engage others about your business and exchange cards. Give prospects two so they can share one if needed.
8. Talk to your current customers. Ask them why they hired you. Solicit suggestions for improvement. Put together a brief customer survey.
9. Ask former customers why they left. Ask them what might bring them back.
10. Identify a new market segment (niche) that could use your product or service.
11. Join an e-mail list or online forum related to your profession. Post or answer questions.
12. How do your customers use your product or service? Could you create a new, complementary service, technique, or product that would make yours a more end-to-end solution?
13. Offer a simpler/cheaper/smaller version of your product or service. Think about how you position it so as not to cannibalize sales of your higher-end version.
14. Offer a higher-end/more expensive version of your product or service. What features or offerings would a more advanced user/customer be looking for?
15. Review and update your services or product brochure. Does it have the best current positioning? Do you have more recent case studies or testimonials?
16. Join an association or organization related to your profession.
17. Get a marketing intern. It will give the intern experience and you some free/cheap marketing help. They may also bring some fresh marketing tips themselves about how to promote your business.
18. Hire a marketing consultant to brainstorm with and suggest other marketing tips.
19. Write up a testimonial or case study from a recent customer. Make sure you have the customer's approval first.
20. Start a marketing advisory and referral team with complementary and/or neighboring business owners. Share marketing tips and referrals. Plan joint marketing activities. Meet regularly for coffee.
21. Create a suggestion box for customers (either a physical one at your place of business, or on your website).
22. Start a referrals program to reward current customers, employees or partners for bringing in new business.
23. Reassess your fee structure. Does it need adjustment with the recession? Could you make it more modular? Make sure you support all the payment options your clients need: make it easy for them to pay you.
24. Give regular clients a discount.
25. Create a poster or calendar to give away to customers and prospects.

Read More 26-100:


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